The Tasmanian Land Conservancy
Across 1,880 hectares of the Tasmanian Central Plateau, highland grasslands, alpine streams and sphagnum peatlands give way to eucalypt forests, standing proudly against time and the elements.
Many of Tassie’s most vulnerable endemic species call this land home, including Tasmanian Devils, eastern quolls, and Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles who soar from nests to scour the plains for prey.
It's important habitat to protect.
The Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC) are currently raising funds to protect Pine Tier and complete an epic conservation mosaic.
I donate $5 from every refill sold by Liminus to the TLC for lots of reasons. Here are five:
- As a natural perfumer I rely on a healthy and flourishing environment to be able to make perfume. It's personally important for me to contribute to sustainability in as many ways as I can.
- The work done by the TLC is world-class and leads the way in evidence backed nature conservation. As an organisation, they have great transparency, strong governance and it's very clear how your investment makes a difference.
- TLC think about the long-term and a bigger picture, they are working on funding to ensure management in perpetuity. As a conservation management professional, I know that protecting land is only part of the story. Land needs to be managed to ensure that threatened habitats and species have a chance to recover, survive and thrive.
- After more than 20 years working in environmental policy, I believe that business has a critical role to play in implementing the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (they are excellent, have a look if they're new to you). These goals seek to realise the human rights of all, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. They also balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.